Monday, August 4, 2008

I have had a rough past two weeks, which I won't go into beyond it being primarily work related, but I read a link today that reminded me once again how insignificant my problems are in the grand scheme of life. It was very difficult to read through this without crying and chills kept running up and down my spine. It is hard to fathom how cruel we as humans can be to each other and somehow justify that to ourselves. How we can ignore abuses around us and convince ourselves that ignorance is bliss. There is such beauty in this world at the same time - in people, places, nature, etc. My heart is just aching right now and I thank God for His influence in my life. I wouldn't be here without it.

Below are two music videos, one from my current favorite artists Ulrich Schnauss and the second a parody that brought a smile to my face when I needed that recently.

Sia "Breathe Me" Ulrich Schnauss remix

Electric Six "Synthesizer"

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