Monday, December 8, 2008

The disenchantment is already starting and it is exactly what I expected, but hoped would not happen. Obama was labeled a communist by some on the far right and now his fellow democrats are lamenting that he has not appointed 'a single true progressive' in his Cabinet. He will be crucified by both extremes, when what I have seen so far bodes well for those of us anchored in some degree of reality. Centrist or moderate positions are the most likely to garner the support necessary from both sides to at least begin making meaningful change. They may not be as flashy or exciting, but compromise rarely is. And the sooner we stop polarizing and realize that only by working together will we begin to improve the lot of all people, the better.

AN INTERROGATOR SPEAKS is a thoughtful opinion piece on the 'deeply flawed' interrogation techniques used in Iraq and why they do more harm than good. The author is cut from the 'moral fabric' we could use a lot more of in our military. Worth a read.

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