Thursday, June 19, 2008

May Financial Binder is done and gone and I feel good....

Two links to a journalistic social experiment wherein the arts writers and the sports writers for the UK Guardian swap places for a day renders some interesting results. Nearly all of the participants would run circles around many of the "journalists" I read on a daily basis, for their writing ability alone, but beyond that the insights given are actually interesting and I enjoyed reading these.

The Arts as reported on by sports writers

Sports as reported on by art scribes

And another interesting article about Guerrilla Gardening. Not a new term or phenomenon, but one that is getting new exposure and I think that is a good thing. A sampling:

“I grew up singing in a cathedral where every little surface of all the medieval walls was carved in,” Reynolds said. “It looked like a place that was really special to people — lived in and loved.” His gardening is meant to communicate the same affectionate and collaborative investment in London. “I’m not against the state,” he told me. “I’m not an anarchist. I accept society more or less as it is. But there are chinks, there are flaws, there are anomalies in it. There are things that get overlooked, and I think guerrilla gardening can be a solution to that."

I just had a peek at the world map of all the random viewers of this blog (and random is about the only way to quantify those who happen to stumble on it) and the whole world is slightly speckled. I have to recommend SiteMeter for their services on that front. The way the world is interconnected is weird, wild, woolly, and that makes me happy for some reason.

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