Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Orphanage freakout

Okay, it has been an hour since I walked out of the theatre and I'm not shaking nearly as much at this point. I felt like I could have fainted on the drive up to Angwin, but taking deep breaths and repeating the mantra "Holy Fuck" got me up the hill. Holy fuck that was freaky. Holy fuck that had a gut wrenching twist at the end. Holy fuck that was AMAZING. Those of you that know me, know that I do not swear often, but shit shit shit that was a major mindfuck. I liked it a lot.

I've seen this classified as horror/drama/mystery/thriller, and the horror designation made me wary because I really have no interest in gore or slashfests, but I figured with the involvement of Guillermo Del Toro, it would not really be horror or at least not that type of horror. I'm glad I was right. There are definite horror elements but they take a backseat to a multilevel thrill ride. I can't remember the last time I felt like all the blood had drained from my body and chills were running down my spine quite like this. I also can't remember EVER hearing so many audible gasps, "Sweet Jesus" or "Shit" exclamations throughout a film. Maybe the throat cutting scene in Cache or the hit and run scene in Mermaid, but those were single scenes, not a repeating theme. The twist towards the end made me want to die right then and there out of empathy for the central character and her realization at that moment.

Most people think of Disney when they think of fairy tales. They forget that many of those stories were originally created by the brothers Grimm and most do not have "happy endings". I do not know if Peter Pan has a correlating Grimm story, but The Orphanage is a Peter Pan story fully in that tradition. One more time: Holy Fuck! Seriously......

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