Monday, November 24, 2008

Americans Fail a Basic Test of Their History and Institutions presents the findings of a large scale study on civic literacy. The results are atrocious, but not surprising from a society that is entertaining itself to death. "Widespread ignorance of our nation’s history and institutions is a worrisome sign for our nation’s future. As we shall see, today’s Americans share the conviction of the Founding Fathers that civic education is important—and they are right in this conviction. Respondents who score in the top third in civic literacy, the survey shows, are more likely than those who score poorly on the test to participate in the civic life of their communities and country." The gap between the results of our elected officials and the general public is hard for me to believe. It is scary actually. A brief quiz variation of the study questions is here to see if you can do any better. I really hope so, because the bar is set very low. I was somewhat disappointed that I got 81.82% but it gave me an opportunity to brush up and get the correct answers to the ones I missed. And that lets me learn for the next time. After reading "The Dumbest Generation" and seeing items like this, I can only think that reading is the greatest skill we can pass on to others. Instilling a love of reading opens the doors to lifelong learning, promotes and expands the vocabulary, gives you insights into history and culture that even in today's 'small/flat world' most people will have no other opportunity to experience. Plus it is just so much fun. Really it is (I can not imagine a life without books).

Today I spoke with my boss and we set a final work day for me. I will continue working until the end of February, take a couple weeks off and then head out to Guam to start my world trek. That gives me time to make sure my dad's estate is in proper order, probate is closed, and my mom is taken care of before I leave. Hopefully, if things go well, Gabe will join me in New Zealand, I'm guessing in June now, but that has gotten more nebulous since he is twitterpated and his back issues have yet to be adequately addressed. Right now I'm planning like I'm going on my own and we will see how the rest of it works out. The airlines will only sell tickets out to 12 months from the current date, so I'm only able to get the first third of the trip covered right now. I guess that would give me an out in the case Gabe does not come at all and at least as far as China before I would have to make a definite decision.

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