Thursday, November 20, 2008

Will you use your power for good or for awesome?

Two more articles on the auto industry bail out: An Op-Ed piece and a news piece on the current stalled situation.

Interestingly, despite the drastic problems rippling through the economy, the investment choices my dad had made prior to his death are paying off. We have lost nothing and actually made a decent return over the past 6 months all things considered. That is something I can thank God for.

On a more humorous note, Jacksonville, Florida's presidential write-in votes were released. A very broad and interesting range of vote getters. Cartoon characters, deities, actors, financial gurus, college football quarterbacks, etc. Even four misguided people who were apparently confused by the ballot itself and wrote in for Obama (this did occur in Florida). I'm sure most communities would be similarly funny if their write-ins were released to the public.

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