Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Well the election results did not take long to confirm a change in direction and a historical presidential win for Barack Obama. I'm indifferent on the outcome, I was not particularly thrilled with either major party candidate and voted third party myself. I do not believe doing so is a wasted vote. It allows me to voice my dissatisfaction with the two party system. I thought Obama made a very good speech shortly after accepting McCain's concession. Earlier a couple commentators were talking about how different the role of president is from that of 100 years ago. There was no mass media, no constant focus on the president, no daily soundbites. He was a figurehead and administrator, but did not warrant the praise/scorn we heap on our leaders today. We do give the presidents now far too much credit for how the country is doing good or bad, for influencing the economy, etc. They are primarily puppets for the entities that really pull the strings. While I would like to believe, I'm pretty cynical about how much 'change' Obama can really bring, even with large Democrat majorities in the House and Senate, and really we shouldn't expect him to save us. He is Obama the man, not the Obamessiah. I was glad to hear that the voter turnout was so high because I do believe that an active, ongoing participation in the process, by as many people as possible, is the only way that some of the change that would benefit all of us will get accomplished. And there is a whole lot of work to be done before the ship is righted from its current conditions. I'll hope for the best and expect the worst because 'government is here to help' is rarely a good thing to hear in my experience.

Here is to change that is real and valuable, not just from the frying pan into the fire for change sake!!

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